Jasmuheenin (Ellen Greve) puhe Matei Georgescun musiikin kera ”Living on Light” -videon lopusta. Se tuli mieleeni ja kirjoitin sen äsken lopulta myös ylös. Olen nähnyt sen monesti aikaisemminkin ja tämä pätkä aivan videon lopusta puhuttelee aina vain. Taustalla soiva musiikki tukee sitä hienosti. Jos sinulla on joutavaa aikaa tai vaikkei oikeasti olisikaan, ja englanti sujuu, kuuntele ihmeessä koko juttu joskus. Jasmuheen puhuu mukavan hitaasti ja selvästi, joten onnistuu luultavasti hieman heikommallakin englannin ymmärryksellä.
Tässä kuitenkin englanniksi ylös kirjoitettuna se pätkä, mitä erityisesti tarkoitin. Ajattelemisen ja sisäistämisen arvoisia sanoja.
”Close your eyes. Just listen with your heart.
So much beautiful music in our world. So much beautiful music in those peaceful currents inside us. Just let your breathing become slower, more subtle, deeper.
With every breath just imagine you can draw to you and through you that pure Essence energy that loves all of us enough to give us life.
Just take a few minutes every day. Be still, be slow, breath it in.
Perhaps take another few minutes every day when you are still and peaceful to just acknowledge all the beauty in our world; compassionate hearts, people who share your dreams and visions.
People want the best, we know this.
Everybody wants love; romantic love, unconditional love, divine love.
Everybody wants to be healthy on all levels: physically and emotionally, mentally.
People want good relationships with family and friends, and to feel passion and purpose in life.
They want to feel wealthy: wealth of clarity and vision, and have enough of this (money) to pay bills without stress.
We are the same. We all want the same things.
We have the power of prayer, power of the compassionate heart, power to say thank you and focus on all the good in our world.
We have the power to ask to see the God in all, the divine in all, and to see goodness before us.
And sometimes we have to change the attitude, the way in which we see life. We have so much support.
Humanity can sometimes seem cruel and our journeys hard, but there is also so much goodness, so much love, and so much wisdom and so much Light.
Just ask to see this to witness the highest potential that we have as a human species.
Say yes to the co-creation of a unified world that honors our children who are our future. Say yes to receiving all what we need to create the perfect resolution to all areas of conflict within ourselves and with our world.
And when we say yes – yes to brilliance, yes to beauty, yes to love, yes to kindness, then our beautiful quantum intelligence will deliver this to each one.
Just deep breath, be in silence for these final moments, and just offer the prayer you have in your heart for humanity at this time.”
(Jasmuheen. Transkriptio Living on Light -videon lopusta.)
Nähtävissä Matei Georgescun kauniin musiikin kera kokonaan Youtubessa osoitteessa
Nähtävissä Matei Georgescun kauniin musiikin kera kokonaan Youtubessa osoitteessa